Espressif ESP32 ESP32-DEVKITC inc ESP-WROOM-32

Espressif ESP32 ESP32-DEVKITC inc ESP-WROOM-32 Espressif ESP32 ESP32-DEVKITC inc ESP-WROOM-32 is a board with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity which make it ideal for prototyping and to develop applications for the Internet of Things.

Espressif ESP32 ESP32-DEVKITC inc ESP-WROOM-32, more information

The Espressif ESP32 ESP32-DEVKITC inc ESP-WROOM-32 is a board with a development kit that includes Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. You can tinker with its sources - available on GitHub - and use it for prototyping and to develop applications for the Internet of Things. It has Black PCB, 4Mbyte(32Mbit) Flash as is the case with all ESP-WROOM-32 based units.

Index Internet of Things